111 S. Livingston St.
4/8: DIG JAZZ CONCERT SERIES: LUKE LEAVITT & THE LEAVITATIONS. Keyboardist and composer Luke Leavitt and his band perform equal parts improvisation and pop. Deadpan grooves erupt in bursts of free form interplay. April 8th marks the release of their album Rose’s Space, which revisits new wave, disco and jazz. The band includes Pooky Augustine, vocals; David Castillo, ocarina; Ben Donehower, cornet and Sahada Buckley, vocals, violin. Co-produced by the Madison Music Collective and Arts+Literature Laboratory. This is a combined in-person and livestream event. Livestreams on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ArtLitLab and on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ArtLitLab. Arts+Literature Laboratory, 111 S. Livingston St. 7:30pm. Free event.